President’s Report from AGM October 2012

IWC AGM 14th October 2012

Firstly I must say that my job as President is made much easier by a strong and willing committee

Big thanks go to

Mick Green – his work as Vice President, in supporting me has been above and beyond the cause.  He also carries out the role of Media Manager and has done a brilliant job in gaining media exposure at Local, Interstate and International levels in written, radio, TV, and web based media for the Club.

Simon Chambers – his secretarial role of recording minutes of committee meetings and administrating our Facebook page

Dan Poynton – Club development.  His work on the member’s handbook with an extensive list of policies that covers all facets of a sporting club.  The handbook is a professional, well presented document that is a valuable guide for members and a resource for the club.

Marcus Schnell – Treasurer.  Establishing the club’s bank accounts and managing the finances.

Sadly Marcus is retiring this year as Treasurer and we thank him for his involvement in the Club and his time on committee

Rob Kenyon – for his work as club photographer recording all our events for members in future years to look back on and laugh at the crazy outfits they were wearing and the gear they were using.  As well as providing a medium to put into our media channels.

Cara Fenney – As Club Women’s representative a voice for our ever increasing female members to use.  An area that we as a club want to actively encourage.

Ian Fenney – In charge on club fund raising and marketing.  A great job last year in raising significant funds for the Club.

During the year the Club received two grants, one from Vic Health for the club’s awning, and the newly named Fehlberg Flyer (a 250ltr Naish beginner’s board) and kids rig.  The other from Bass Coast was for event flags, club logos on the awning and 6 pfd’s.

The committee established a number of policies for club procedures and published its member handbook.  We decided to affiliate with Yachting Vic and paid for a public liability policy.

The Club ran 11 events last season.   The highlights for me were seeing 50 plus turn up for the Gybing clinic, the People for a Disability Day and the ISI being held in under 5 kts!

This year we are planning more of the same but wanting to add a few road trips, a friendly race series and a women’s day to the calendar.

Other items the committee is working on are Storage for club gear, weather station, sponsors, programs for women and children and charity contribution with SANDS (Still born and new born death syndromes)

This will be my last year as President.  I will be retiring for no other reason than I believe that I have taken the Club as far as I can and it is time for me to hand over the Club in dynamic condition to some new blood to take the Club to higher levels of achievement.  The Club has grown bigger than one or two individuals and is an entity in its own right.  I have good faith in the people around the club that a suitable candidate, male or female will stand up.  I will stay on as Past President in a supporting role if the incumbent president requires and as an active committee member.