Child Safe Guidelines and Resources
What is Child Safety?
Child Safety is about keeping children and young people safe from abuse and protecting them from people who are identified as unsuitable to work with children. There is no national Child Protection law, however all states and territories have their own child protection laws to keep children safe and to protect them from abuse.
Why is it important?
All children and young people have a right to be safe when participating in sport and recreation activities.
Clubs and Classes must be compliant with the relevant child protection laws of the state/territory they are in. Failure to be compliant may result in punishment under the legislation.
How does Child Safety impact our Club?
Clubs and Classes need to ensure that they are adhering to the Child Protection Laws and requirements of the state/territory it is in. The Child Safety link for this webpage provides state specific resources and information for clubs and classes to assist them to be compliant to the relevant laws.
Who does Child Safety apply to?
Child Safety relates to all clubs and classes who have children or young people (as defined under relevant legislation) involved in their club or class.
IWC has recently developed a Child Safe Policy and a Child Safe Code of Conduct
Click on the links above to read these documents.
Victorian Child Safety Laws- Play By The Rules
Vic Sport- Child Safe Standards