Wow1 What a turn out!
Over 130 people came down to the Angling Club over the weekend and had a go at Windsurfing….and its fair to say that more than a few left totally hooked!
A fantastic two days of fun, wind, waves and laughter
Thanks to Yachting Victoria for the showbags and SHQ Boardsports for providing a truckload full of Wind/ SUP equipment.
Special thanks needs to go to our stellar coaches- Josh, Joel, Roy, Pete, Dan, Simon and Fei, as well as our on beach crew- Pete Naz, Doug, and Rob. Finally, extra special thanks must go to Tash- who ran the tent like a military operation!
On Sunday, seeing the carpark full of vehicles with boards on the roof, then walking over the dune to see over 20 sails on the water made me extremely proud of what the club has achieved and how it carries itself.
Awesome effort!
And all put together by MrPresident himself Mick Green. Great effort Mick for transporting gear on both days and coordinating everything. Oh almost forgot cooking BBQING and helping Tash manage registrations
Hi, I was there on Sunday and as a visiting novice had a great experience. Thanks to all who made this event happen. Special thanks to Roy for his coaching/advice and to Mick for his later humorous comments (in hindsight I think “driving like driving a stolen car” was possibly more apt given how trashed I my aging body felt later in the day 🙂 )