Brass Monkey Challenge 2014. It’s on again.

With all the anticipation of a coming birthday celebration I awaited the 1st of June; it’s on again, BMC is here for 2014. With some new additions to my cold water wear bring on those at-dawn sessions, all for the glory of a $3 monkey. Is it worth it? Most definitely! Ask any previous winner of the winter challenge and you’ll here stories about how to achieve the best ratio, whispers of fantastical sailing spots in a land far, far away and sheets of wood serendipitously placed in front of weather stations.  Then there is the sigh and drop of the shoulders of how it was won or lost on those freak gusts. Yes this $3 monkey is worth it. And most of all you get to sail when most people close up shop for the season. See Old Salty’s tips for winter warmth. With a modern suit and a few additions it is possible to be warm, even on the coldest of days. So come join in on the fun and anticipation that is Brass Monkey Challenge 2014. monkey



Brass Monkey 2014 Scoreboard